Addressing Addiction

Almost everyone that comes to Engedi for help is dealing with some sort of addiction, what we call an “SUD” (Substance Use Disorder).  Their physical cravings and mental compulsions to misuse substances is almost always deeply intertwined with their sex trafficking experience.  Engedi’s program is designed to address every aspect of their life that created or fed a vulnerability in them that was exploited or used against them by their trafficker or abusive contacts.  We want most of all to see each Engedi resident experience freedom and peace, and to grow in personal strength and confidence, as they work toward health, happiness and sustainable independence.  This is easier said than done.

The RAND Corp. stated in their article on ‘Sex Trafficking and Substance Use’ that their research shows that there were over 90,000 (drug) overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2020, and that there were 1.6 million people with an opioid addiction in the U.S. in 2019.  They report that drug overdoses have increased in every state in the U.S. every year, even in rural areas.  In fact, “traffickers use drugs and alcohol as tools to lure potential victims, groom them, and ultimately control them.  They exploit individuals’ opioid use or SUD’s to coerce them into trafficking, knowing that they are more vulnerable than individuals without SUD’s.  Furthermore, traffickers use drugs and alcohol to maintain control over victims.  After introducing drugs and creating dependency, they may further exploit victims by forcing them to use drugs or controlling their supply in order to maintain control over the victims.”

In a U.S. Dept. of State article from June 2020; they state that they have prosecuted many sex trafficking cases where traffickers have used addiction as a tool of coercion; even using the threat of forced withdrawal (or withholding drugs) to control the victims and coerce them to engage in commercial sex.  (Substance use withdrawal can cause extreme pain and suffering and can be fatal without medical supervision.)

This is exactly the kind of testimonies we hear from the trafficking survivors that come to Engedi, and we are fully prepared to help them.  Engedi’s program provides extensive support for those who are currently suffering from SUD’s.  Our own Substance Use Disorder Specialist on staff assesses each resident’s need, arranges ‘drug treatment’ placement when necessary, guides them through in-depth curriculums to help them understand what they’ve experienced, and helps them navigate sobriety and relapse prevention and stabilization tools while they’re in Engedi’s program.

Engedi’s extensive support for trafficking victims, especially in the area of SUD’s, is exactly the kind of comprehensive support that is prescribed by nearly all specialists, researchers and psychologists in this field.  Long-term housing, trauma counseling, community support and addiction recovery with peer mentoring is the best combination of services for effective healing; and that is precisely what Engedi does.

Sober, secure, healthy and hopeful trafficking survivors, immersed in a supportive community can rise above any challenge, protect themselves from harm or exploitation, and fully participate in society at a high level.  This is Engedi’s hope, dream, and commitment.  Consider joining us today.


Inspired by Jesus


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