Finishing the Course

Just the other day, three incredibly dedicated women finished the final phase of Engedi’s program.  That is no small thing.  These ladies have been working their restorative program for about 18 months and have completed over 950 hours of educational classes, therapy sessions and specialized activities.  During this time they have lived in group housing while caring for themselves, maintaining sobriety, serving others, finding gainful employment, managing their resources, and developing a network of positive friendships and connections in the local community.  These ladies came to Engedi desperate, hurting and vulnerable; they are leaving strong, confident, safe and hopeful.  They have finished the course and are running well.  We are so proud of them, and we are cheering them on in life.  This is a great moment in their lives!

Finishing any course of action; whether it’s a course of study, athletics, work or personal development, takes serious effort and dedication.  Finishing happens one day at a time and one step at a time.  It is the culmination and reward for constant decisions to engage the process, work hard and never quit.

Engedi’s three-phase program is very demanding, but well worth it.  It helps survivors of sex-trafficking move from feeling weak to feeling strong; from feeling despair to feeling hope; from experiencing chaos to producing order and achievable goals in their lives.

As one Engedi resident put it; “It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

You can make a difference today!

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Getting Outside is so Healing


July 30th is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons