Food for Thought

Every Spring Engedi Refuge invites the community to a banquet hall fundraiser we call our “Restoring Hope Gala”.  It’s a fancy and fun dining event designed to bring awareness of the problem of sex trafficking, a clear understanding of Engedi’s mission and service to victims of trafficking, and to inspire financial giving and ongoing partnership with Engedi.

I like to call this kind of event, Food for Thought.  We feed you both good food and stimulating information.  The food is good for the body, the information is good for the soul, and the resulting actions are good for humanity.

One of the best contexts for human connection is in the sharing of a meal.  Food seems to be one of the great equalizers of all humanity.  We all need food to live, and we need it every few hours.  Our need for food keeps us humble, and it gives us an opportunity to sit peacefully with one another sharing physical nourishment.  We are all the same in regards to our need for food.

Truth is similar in a way.  When we come together to apply our minds to a segment of consequential facts we experience a corporate learning moment.  The processing, or digesting, of those facts though is very individualized.  Everyone has to decide what to do with that information on their own.  It is the assimilation of truth, the processing of emotions related to that truth, and the commitment to action in response to that truth that manifests the point and impact of that truth.  Truth is meant to change us.

And that, my friends, is Food for Thought.

Many of you  joined us at our Restoring Hope Gala last Saturday.  What did you hear that caught your attention?  What moved you emotionally?  And what ACTION are you considering in response? 

If you’re not sure consider this:

  • Do some more research. 
    Go to:  and click on some of these websites to find more information.

  • Pray.  Take these concerns and heavy issues to God.  He changes lives!

  • Call Engedi Refuge.  Talk to our program director about volunteering with us.

  • Make a donation.  Start partnering with us on a monthly basis, and help us restore people’s lives.


10 Years Strong


The Impact of Giving