10 Years Strong
Click the pictures and arrows to find out more about Engedi’s history over the last 10 years.






Click the pictures and arrows to find out more about Engedi’s history over the last 10 years.
In March we opened "Engedi House" and our "Learning Center" office. In April we received the first trafficking survivor into the program.
We opened a new Learning Center classroom and started comprehensive volunteer trainings.
The first baby was born at Engedi. Lea was the labor coach and helped bring a beautiful baby into the world. Since then, two more babies were born while their mothers were in the Engedi program.
In December, we held our first Recognition Ceremony, honoring 4 residents. We have since held over 11 ceremonies honoring graduates and participants at Engedi.
Development of core staff, volunteers and counselors.
Horse therapy was added to Engedi's program through Promise 23 Ranch.
"Men of Dignity" awareness ministry launched
Our first major fundraiser, the Fun & Fashion For Freedom event, took place at Bellwood Acres. Since then we have held or participated in over a dozen Galas, Stand Against Slavery, and Faith Events, as well as another Fashion Show.
We held our 1st annual fundraising gala in Bellingham.
Celebrated 1st Engedi graduates to finish all 3 program phases.
1st trafficking survivor and program graduate joined Engedi's staff.
Our new Learning Center and Counseling Center expansion project was launched.
Engedi's staff expanded with a new case manager and the addition of 2 other vital positions.
We presented at the Bellevue, WA Higher Ground Men's Conference.
Engedi started annual sex trafficking presentations at WWU.
Engaged in training local law enforcement in Sex Trafficking awareness and intervention strategies.
We initiated agency re-branding and new marketing strategy.
We partnered with ISA Freedom in local trafficking awareness.
Engedi attended the NCOSE conference in Washington DC.
The 2018 Gala was the largest we have hosted to date.
Engedi joined NTSA board and helped develop the alliance and initiate its annual conference.
Construction on the new safe-house began.
We also held our first wedding at Engedi for a former resident. Aaron officiated the ceremony.
The Learning Center property was purchased, and we opened a new Phase 2 house.
The new Safe-House was completed and filled with new residents and management staff.
We celebrated serving 88 residents in our long-term program to date.
Engedi celebrates 10 years of service to trafficking survivors, with a consistent 90% success rate in helping residents avoid re-exploitation.