Engedi Refuge provides safety and restoration for women who have experienced sexual exploitation or trafficking.

Engedi Refuge stands against human trafficking by providing safety and restoration for those victimized by this horrific crime. We care for sex trafficking victims every day, and we provide one of the most successful restoration and after-care program models in the country. Find out more by watching this short video.

Being in a constant state of change is difficult, but making positive change can be just as hard. This month our blog focuses on the effects of living in a state of flux and how Engedi brings stabilization to survivors so they can begin the process of positive change in their lives.

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Victims & Advocates

If you, or someone you love, is in a situation and needs help contact Engedi and find out how you can change your life.

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Service & Research

If you are advocating for a trafficking survivor, or you are a service agency looking for information about Engedi, click below.

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Donors & Volunteers

Ready to make a difference? There are so many ways that you can get involved as a financial or community partner.


Engedi Refuge is located in Washington State, North of Seattle, in what is called “The Beautiful Northwest”.


(360) 922-7600