The Engedi Family
Lea Newcomb
Director of Operations
Lea is the co-founder of Engedi Refuge and creator of much of the curriculum and ministry model. She manages all staff and volunteers and oversees all program components.
Aaron Newcomb
Executive Director
Aaron is the co-founder of Engedi Refuge, and works to sustain the mission focus, build partnerships in the community, and secure financing for this agency.
Katie Amodei
Development Director
Katie compassionately shares Engedi’s mission through public relations efforts, and she secures meaningful gifts and grants to help support the organization’s programs and services.
Carma Roetcisoender
MA LMHC, Trauma Therapist
Carma is our on-staff clinical therapist. She specializes in dealing with trauma, teaching and facilitating support groups.
Kara Veldman
MA, LMHCA, Trauma Therapist
Kara is our on-staff clinical therapist who specializes in treating trauma and attachment styles, and assists in facilitating support groups.
Jane Burrill
M.Ed. Substance Use Disorder Specialist
Jane specializes in dealing with all forms of addictions and codependent relationships. She is a teacher, mentor and counselor for Phase 1 & 2 residents.
Hana Dosthene
Director of Client Support Services
The Client Support team is advocating for each resident for options, opportunities and services within the program and in the community to serve and meet the resident’s needs.
Cristy Choriego
Client Support Services Coordinator
Cristy brings life to the Learning Center with her energy, compassion, and humor as she serves the residents.
Rochelle Dahlberg
Community Services Coordinator
Rochelle assists the residents in accessing community support services and medical treatments. Her positive outlook and perseverance make her a great asset to our team.
Krystal Harper
Restorative-Home Manager
Krystal is our weekday house manager and has years of experience working with vulnerable people. She helps each woman feel welcomed and stabilized in our Engedi Phase 1 restorative home.
Callie Van Werven
Restorative-Home Weekend Manager
Callie’s bright personality and energy lightens the restorative home environment as she provides trauma-sensitive care for our residents each weekend.
Pam Brown
Phase 2 House Monitor
Pam creates a warm, safe environment in our Phase 2 House with her deep care and compassion.
Jana Voth
Administrative Assistant
Jana brings joy to our front office with her friendly countenance. She takes care of a multitude of tasks, always ready to lend a hand wherever needed.
*Engedi’s team of professional counselors that volunteer their therapeutic services include: Jill Karber and Kelly Cooper.
Board of Directors:
Lea Newcomb, Aaron Newcomb, Sheldon Smith, Ingemar Franzen, Brett Rosson, Luanne Van Werven, Jeff Dykstra, Deni Starbuck