Our Philosophy…
is simple: “Compassion for the hurting, help the oppressed.”
We understand that almost all women who have been sexually exploited or trafficked have been hurt by that experience and need professional help overcoming those effects and moving forward in life. The women who come to Engedi are typically homeless, financially destitute, vulnerable to abuse, struggling with chemical addictions, and reeling from complex emotional trauma and social anxiety.
We are committed to providing a physically and emotionally safe space for them to begin experiencing a sense of restoration in their soul, and a sense of personal confidence and strength to care for their own health and agency.
With this in mind, Engedi’s program is holistic and comprehensive in nature. Physical needs are met at no cost to program participants, all therapy and educational classes are trauma informed, and survivor involved mentoring is a key component to the program.
Our Christian Faith…
is the inspiration for this work. We believe that God’s grace and love is available to all people, because of the sacrifice and truth found in Jesus Christ.
Engedi Refuge is focused on providing safety, restoration and hope, in a spirit of Christian love. We are also committed to never coercing anyone we serve to agree with our religious beliefs or participate in religious activities beyond their own will and desire.
Our Statement of Faith provides a basis of spiritual agreement for all our staff and directors, but is in no way considered conditional for anyone we serve.
Our Support for the Survivor Model…
believes in criminalizing the purchase of sex and the force, fraud, and coercion that traffickers use to manipulate and control vulnerable people. It decriminalizes individuals engaged in prostitution and focuses on providing access to services for healing and restoration. By shifting the focus to those who purchase sex and who exploit other people, the Survivor Model centers on reducing the demand for commercial sexual exploitation. This prioritizes the rights, safety, and well-being of survivors and helps empower them to access the assistance they need to chart a new path.