A Global Gathering
Engedi Refuge is a single agency in the far Northwest corner of Washington State. We are the only residential restoration program for trafficking survivors in this area. Sometimes it may seem like we stand alone. This work is not for the faint of heart, and if we stand alone, we will not stand for long. We will tire and eventually burn out. That is why networking with other local agencies is vital.
We are honored to be connected relationally with multiple agencies throughout Washington. Not only are we encouraged by our local connections, but we are also part of a national alliance of service providers all across the United States that address the needs of sexually exploited persons. What many do not realize is that, for many years, Engedi has been a significant partner with an agency that supports similar cause-driven programs all over the world. Atlas Free is invested in resourcing victim-care agencies on nearly every continent on the globe. Their focus is to share finances, program content and practices, relational encouragement and spiritual vitality with all the people in their circle of partners that are doing front line work with trafficking survivors.
Just last month, April 22 – 26, 2024, Atlas Free hosted a week-long conference for its partners in Alicante, Spain. 180 people from 42 different agencies representing multiple nations gathered for what was called a “Global Gathering”, championing the slogan “We Rise Together”. Lea and I were so fortunate to attend and represent Engedi Refuge. There was the sharing of the vision for responding to the needs of prostituted and trafficked people throughout the world. Beyond the vision, there were the distinctives that both define us individually, and draw us toward each other collectively; things that involve our common struggles, strengths, prayers, dreams, heartaches and disappointments, hardships and pain, as well as our joys, victories and success stories. We are unified in both our human limitations in doing good for others, and our divine inspirations and empowerments to do more than we could have imagined when we started.
We made connections and friendships with people from all over Europe, Africa, India, East Asia, and the America’s. We felt a part of something much bigger than ourselves. Our eyes were lifted in greater vision, and our heads were lifted in the mutual encouragement of a shared task that is too heavy for any of us to carry alone. Our spirits were lifted in expressed gratitude to Christ Jesus who calls us all to acts of kindness and radical compassion, and fills us with His Spirit of power and love.
We feel renewed in our hearts, and encouraged to keep up this restorative work. It is not easy, but it is possible with the arm-in-arm relationship with others. Thank you, Atlas Free, for your support. Thank you, God, for more grace. Thank you, all Engedi supporters, for your shared strength.
None of us are alone….”We Rise Together”!