Build Her Freedom

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One of the most critical aspects of providing safety for sex trafficking victims is housing.  It’s not as easy as just finding a bed in a house or apartment or hotel somewhere for a few days or weeks. That’s exactly the kind of transient situation they were in when they were prostituting, or being sold by traffickers as a sexual commodity day to day.  No, it’s imperative that they are provided a private bedroom, in a well-managed house, in a secure location, for a long period of time.  This has proven to be the best environment for victims to experience a sense of peace and stability; to help them build back a sense of personal agency, and to get the most out of their life-giving counseling and education in the Engedi Refuge program.

The safe-house provides the context for the restoration process of the program to have its greatest affect, leading to a renewed sense of hope for their future.

Our “Build Her Freedom” campaign here at the end of 2020, is all about raising the necessary funds to complete and operate Engedi’s new, custom designed safe-house.  This project has been years in the making, and the progress being made this year is a dream come true.  Engedi’s current safe-house is a refurbished, 100 year old farm house, whose location and bedroom / bathroom configuration is less than adequate.  We’ve made it work for over 7 years, but it has long been time to build something perfectly suited for this ministry.

Several things have come together to make this housing project, and the perfect design, location, opportunity, and timing, a reality.  DJ & DJ Contracting is managing this project and is carrying the vision through to completion as they are inviting many tradesmen and building contractors to participate and contribute to the finishing of this safe-house.

The design was done by JWR Design of Lynden, and use of the land has been donated, rent free, for 20 years by a generous land owner.  The community is catching the vision for this home, and sacrificing for the safety and betterment of the women Engedi is serving.  It’s a beautiful thing to watch.

Engedi Refuge serves up to 17 different women each year that are escaping sex trafficking.  This safe-house, what we call a “restorative-home”, is the first place they will live as they enter the Engedi program.  It is perfectly suited to keep them safe and secure, and will continue this way for years to come.

If you’d like to partner with Engedi, and help us raise $100,000 by Dec. 31st, 2020; please make your donation today.  All proceeds will be applied to this restorative-home project.

Send Checks to:    Engedi Refuge, P.O. Box 950, Lynden, WA  98264

Donate from our website at:     Click:  DONATE HERE

Sincerely Grateful,

Aaron Newcomb,  Exec. Director


Together We Did It!