Continuing to Build Her Freedom.
The first and greatest thing we can give someone who is experiencing physical and emotional pain and danger is SAFETY. Engedi Refuge is primarily a SAFE PLACE for victims of sex trafficking, and we take that very seriously.
However, safety without SECURITY, is not really safety at all. Providing a safe place and safe people for vulnerable and hurting victims is completely dependent on the security of sustainable community support and financial undergirding.
Engedi Refuge is one of the most successful residential programs in the country for human trafficking survivors, and its comprehensive therapy is exactly what most of women need for healing. We are also utterly dependent on YOU, our faithful community, to support Engedi with financial partnership.
Take another look at just one story (among many) of life-changing and healing: Partnerships & Donations — Engedi Refuge.
Help us SECURE this place of SAFETY today by making a one-time donation, or a monthly pledge!
We are so grateful for your partnership!
Aaron Newcomb