Learning to Love Again
Valentines Day gives us an occasion to celebrate and express our love for others, and I’d like to take a minute to lead the community in expressing our collective love (deep appreciation and care) to those among us who have been hurt in relationships. That might define most of us in one way, but the ones hurt so badly that the health of their mind and body has been altered or seriously damaged, to those who’ve been used, abused and discarded, and those sold as a sexual commodity… I want to say: “You are important, you are worthy of everyone’s attention. We see you, and we are working to help and protect you. You are our Valentine this year.”
A few courageous women who have escaped sex trafficking and come to Engedi Refuge for help and safety, have found significant healing in their souls and a renewed desire to receive love, and give love to others in really healthy ways. One of our graduates wrote about her experience at Engedi:
“They loved me exactly where I was at and continue to love me and support me today. I was able to focus on healing and being a new mother. I have been reunited with my family and we are actively working on repairing our relationships.” C.P.
It’s no small thing to be able to embrace your own child, and reengage family relationships after years of trauma in the world of sex trafficking.
Another graduate wrote:
“My life is so complete today and I know it’s only going to get better with time. The friendships I have made are real. I have learned what healthy relationships are like and I don’t have to look for false security and love. I know I am worth so much more.” J.L.
A healthy sense of self-worth is foundational for good relationships, and that’s exactly what women receive here.
In the words of a famous song writer: “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love…” So true.