Shining a Light on Trafficking

Human trafficking is a serious crime that is a severe violation of human rights. It is a widespread problem that occurs domestically and internationally, affecting people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Millions of people are estimated to be caught up in human trafficking situations across the globe. Forms of human trafficking include forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, and domestic servitude. Here at Engedi Refuge, one of the things we focus on is preventing sex trafficking, which disproportionately impacts women through commercial sexual exploitation.  

Sex trafficking does not just happen in faraway places like India or Cambodia. Over 9,600 cases of human trafficking were officially identified in the United States in 2023, according to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, and there were 202 cases investigated in Washington, resulting in the identification of 367 victims. A shocking statistic is that less than one percent of the total number of human trafficking victims get identified. So, by observing National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we can help increase the identification of people experiencing human trafficking and provide opportunities for survivors to rebuild their lives. Engaging with the issue is crucial because it helps raise awareness, supports survivors, and helps create a safer community for all. This starts with truly understanding the problem.

What is Sex Trafficking? 

Sex trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex work. In the United States, the federal definition of sex trafficking has been expanded to include sex buyers—so this includes those who contribute to the exploitation of vulnerable people by purchasing sex. 

Who are the Victims? 

Victims can be anyone—but the common thread for many human trafficking victims is their vulnerability. Because vulnerability plays such a key role, people who are living in poverty, people who are homeless, people of color, people with disabilities, and people who are immigrants are disproportionately targeted by traffickers. Women and girls make up the majority of sex trafficking victims, and at least 7 out of 10 human trafficking victims are women or girls.

Who are the Traffickers? 

As with human trafficking victims, there is no one way to describe human traffickers. They can be young or old, male or female, and of any nationality or ethnic background. The key is traffickers are intent on exploiting the vulnerabilities of others for the purpose of commercial gain. Traffickers are not necessarily strangers or casual acquaintances of the victims. Some traffickers can be family members, intimate partners, or long-time friends of victims.  

Tips for Recognizing Human Trafficking

It’s important to understand some of the tactics traffickers use. Traffickers will often threaten or use violence towards the victim or the victim’s family, restrict contact with others, make false promises, or deprive the victim of basic needs if they do not do as instructed.

It is often difficult to recognize someone who is being trafficked. But some outward indicators can include:

  • Evidence of violence, abuse, or coercion

  • Evidence of unusual control, such as a person speaking for another person or controlling money and documents

  • Signs of unusual fear, anxiety, or submission

  • A person who avoids eye contact and social interaction

  • Signs that a person is unaware of what city they are in, or where their destination is when traveling.

  • A person is unusually submissive to the person they are with

  • Controller is reluctant to separate themself from the person

How You Can Help

  1. This month, you can take the time to educate yourself about the problem of human trafficking and talk about it with your social circle to help others learn too.

  2. Know where to get help! The National Human Trafficking Hotline, 888-373-7888, is available 24/7/365. Add this number to your phone so it’s there if you need it.

  3. If you own or manage a business in Whatcom County, you can connect with Engedi Refuge to become a corporate partner. You can make a corporate contribution to support the women in our program, and you can provide jobs for human trafficking survivors.

  4. Become an ally for human trafficking survivors. You can help women in Engedi's program rebuild their lives by joining us as a financial partner, or contact us for volunteer opportunities.

Your involvement can create a ripple effect that contributes to preventing this crime and restoring hope to survivors. By increasing public awareness at the local level, you can help recognize the early signs of human trafficking, identify more victims, disrupt human trafficking networks, and provide supportive services for sex trafficking survivors right here in our community.


An Evening of Compassion, Support, and Transformation


Change is a Big Adjustment